How extra of a reader are you? // the things readers do for the sake of books…

A reader, does many things.

For one, they … read.

Well, that’s it. They read. That’s how they are a reader. They have read.


You have the Reader! The Reader is the Extra version of the reader!! If you don’t know what that is, it’s okay! that’s what I’m here for. πŸ’πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

I’m linking up with this week’s TTT (hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl) prompt, Outrageous/Crazy/Uncharacteristic Things I’ve Done for the Love of Books (i.e. skipped meals, camped outside a bookstore, broke up with someone because they don’t like to read, traveled long distances to bookish events, etc. – submitted byΒ Aggie’s Amygdala)! I don’t think I’ve actually done anything super “outrageous” for the sake of books so I changed the prompt slightly to be more applicable to me ahaha.

Reminder: This is all for jokes!! I’m not trying to shame anyone who does these things, I’m also guilty of some them, the point is to poke a little fun at the things I’ve seen readers do that aren’t necessary to be a reader, but we do anyway!! BECAUSE WE CAN AND WHY NOT.

Also, if you so chose, each number on the list is actually a number of “EXTRA points” you get if you relate to the associated action! So you can add them up as you go if you like for a result at the end. 😊

1 EXTRA pt: You’ve pulled all-nighters/stayed up late to finish that book

I’m certain every reader has done this!! SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK

(Truth time I’ve actually not done this in SUCH a long time because I’M WEAK OK I FALL ASLEEP ksksks)

2 pts: You’ve overpacked to bring several books on your vacation

Do you *really* need to bring that thick book AND two other books on that week-long vacation where you’re sightseeing??? πŸ‘€ DO YOU REALLY???

Um, no. “But Aline”, you tell me, “who needs space for clothes anyway??”

I AGREE. But adding 20 pounds (BOOKS ARE HEAVY) to your suitcase to bring several books on your vacation when you really don’t need to…. NOT THE BEST IDEA.

(Here is where people with e-readers are like NOT MY PROBLEM πŸ˜ŒπŸ˜‡πŸ’β€β™€οΈ

and,,,,,,,, THAT’S FAIR smh)

3 pts: You’ve gotten into a… passionate discussion (argument) with someone about a book you love

Okay, I’m typically the peacemaker type and hate having to argue with people (outside my immediate family anyway lmao) so this would usually not be likely of me at all!!

But, only a couple of months ago, I got into an “argument” (I like to say passionate discussion) with someone who didn’t understand the appeal of Rick Riordan’s books* (!!!!!!!!), or younger middle-grade books to older readers.

Here, hold my book lest I use it as a weapon thanks.

(I totally won that discussion) (Maybe terrified the guy like,,, a lot)

(Ok not really but I’M VERY TERRIFYING OK)

*I think it’s fine if personally, you didn’t enjoy his books but to go as far to make generalizations and say you don’t get why ANYBODY likes them just because you didn’t??? YOU’RE ASKING FOR A FIGHT. And honestly, this is still an issue in the book community as well. πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

4 pts: You read the book before you watch the movie.

I used to very intent on doing this, as I did with Hunger Games, Divergent, Lightning Thief (huihjsdhfjsd), Harry Potter, Twilight… Literally all the more “classic” YA book to movie adaptations?

And I like reading the book first, but I don’t particularly try to read the book first anymore! If I do, I do, if I don’t, I don’t. Sometimes it happens by accident anyway, where I’ve already read the book and a few years later the movie comes out.

Case in point: I did watch the Crazy Rich Asians movie without having read the book!! (LOVE THAT MOVIE SO MUCH) I don’t think I had exactly planned on picking up the book ever before the movie, it just wasn’t on my radar but I definitely want to pick it up sometime!

ALSO: If you DO do this, Netflix is making the Grishaverse come to life, and if you haven’t read Six of Crows yet……………….. :))))

5 pts: You didn’t purchase a book/purchased a book because of the cover

I’m not even going to pretend I’m not guilty of this!! HOW CAN I. I don’t have a ton of money to spend on books, particularly because my parents have this idea that I’m “buying too many books” (can you IMAGINE) but I like my books to look pretty!!

Generally I prioritize buying books I loved already, and those usually have nice covers, but I wouldn’t just pick up any random book to buy if the cover wasn’t appealing (alongside the synopsis), you know?

You’re free to judge me now.

(See if I had the funds, I would totally buy all the books with pretty covers. I don’t, so I’ll just be writing posts about buying them smh. πŸ˜‚)

6 pts: You’ve changed your profile name to having something to do with a book you love

Okay, I haven’t done this yet (mine is set to #Save ODAAT) but I was highly tempted to after reading The Love and Lies of Rukhsana Ali ahahaha but this one is mostly inspired by all the people on Twitter I see with book-related profile names or Twitter handles?

I’m mostly thinking of all the people screaming about Descendant of the Crane ahaha, because that’s just what comes to mind immediately, but also there are many people who have names related to King of Scars/Grishaverse, etc. I love this idea so much!! It’s so cute and so fun to support books you love or are excited to read this way. πŸ’• (And so extra lmao I love it)

Not to be self-centred or anything, but while you’re here, you might want tofollow me on Twitter? πŸ˜‡

7 pts: You’ve named a pet/stuffed animal/object after a book character?

I don’t have a pet, but there are so many who do, and who have the cutest fictional-character names I LOVE IT.

Personally, I have this little bear named Violet, a) because she was purple and wasn’t I so clever?????, b) because I was reading the Series of Unfortunate Events and Violet Baudelaire was my favourite I think? I also liked Sunny. But anyway.

My stuffed-bear naming skills is amazing, thank you.

I’m going to call my next one Nina ❀

8 pts: You’ve created playlists, aesthetics, fan art or fanfiction for a book/books

Okay, can I just say if you’ve created a book playlist, PLEASE send it to me omg I love them! So far I’ve found Spotify playlists for Girls of Paper and Fire that were so good, as well as Red, White & Royal Blue?! Love.

But anyway!!

I’m not artsy enough to do fan art (I LOVE looking at them though omg, people are so talented), but I’ve made aesthetics before!! They’re so much fun! I made a few for To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, Harry Potter, Shades of Magic, The Hate U Give, and such. If you make bookish aesthetics, tell me!! I love looking at them. 😍

If I could find mine, I’d show you guys but I have no idea where I saved them oops.

9 pts: You’ve purchased book/reader related merch

Well, I purchased Owlcrate once! I bought their January box, and I really loved it (especially the blue and silver edition of The Gilded Wolves omg), although ultimately it’s too expensive for me to keep up with. :/


Bookish merch is sooooo tempting though omg, some of the designs and quotes and items are just SO CUTE AND PRETTY AHH. I just can never go on Red Bubble or Society6 ever, and then I’ll be fine. 😭😭

(I do think bookish merch can do sooo much more though in terms of books they’re inspired from, they’re terribly limited to the same few popular fantasy books ahaha, as much as I love them.)

10 pts: You’ve gotten a tattoo inspired by a book

I HAVE NOT!! (Can you even get a tattoo at 17?? I’m terrified of needles and the permanency of it all regardless but is it over 16 or over 18??)

I’m not sure if temporary tattoos count πŸ˜‚ I was going to say yes, but I’m going to keep it a permanent tattoo just because that is very out there and a lot more extra than a temporary tattoo hahaha.

If you’ve done this, that’s so cool!! I’m in awe hahaha. If you have gotten a bookish tattoo, what is it and what’s it inspired by?!

Okay, I know this is a fun TTT list, but if you wanted to see, this is the verdict for the point tallying!! HOW EXTRA ARE YOU??

0-10: You’re not usually very extra, but you have your moments!!

10-25: You’re pretty extra! Very lowkey about it, but the signs are there!

25-40: You’re VERY extra, you might seem like you have a slight obsession?

40-55: This list just has your name all over it πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

I got: 35 points! This was adding all of them except for the last one (10), the 4th one about reading the book first since I don’t do it anymore, and the 6th one about the profile name ahaha.

Honestly, very tempted to say say a bonus of 100 points if you are a book blogger, booktuber, bookstagrammer or book influencer online in any way!! Because, let’s be real, that’s probably the most extra thing to do as a reader. In the best way possible!! πŸ˜‚ πŸ’•

How extra of a reader are you??? Do you have a pet named after a fictional character?!? You don’t really have to add up your points obviously, but if you did just for fun, let’s compare?! What are some things you do/don’t do as a Extra reader??

YA books featuring autistic characters that I’ve read & want to read!

April, is, as you may have heard, Autism Awareness Month!

(Better yet, Autism ACCEPTANCE Month)

Now, the idea in itself should be boosted as autism deserves awareness–and more than that, all-around ACCEPTANCE but I did want to mention to not support the organization behind this, Autism Speaks as it is INCREDIBLY harmful and does NOT actually speak for autistic people. This organization actually does the opposite of supporting autism, and uses its funding to look for a “cure” for autism, among spreading other problematic messages. For more details, there are a ton of articles online and you can check out this one as well!


I have read shamefully very few books with autistic characters! So to change that, I’ve compiled a list of books with autism rep for both me and anyone else out there who may have been looking for some to read!

I tried to focus on books that are either #ownvoices for the autism rep, or if they aren’t, have positive reviews from #ownvoices readers (aside from the ones I’ve already read). There are already too many harmful messages being perpetuated about autism and I really don’t want to boost books that contribute to that!

Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde: This is SUCH AN AMAZING BOOK. I will scream about it to everyone, it is so incredibly diverse and fun and adorable aksakjkajk. One of the main POVs, Taylor, is autistic and has anxiety! It is also ownvoices for the autism rep, anxiety rep, and bi rep!! AMAZING ❀

Things I Should Have Known by Claire LaZebnik: #ownvoices review // I really enjoyed this one! This isn’t ownvoices though. The author does have an autistic child I believe and it’s clear she put a lot of effort into writing good rep!

The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi: One of the narrators and main characters, Zofia has many signs of ASD, but I believe due to the time setting where they wouldn’t necessarily have a label for ASD, it isn’t explicitly stated. I love her! (Not ownvoices) (*I’m still reading this book, but shh.)

The Dark Artifices by Cassandra Clare: Not #ownvoices, but one of the key characters, Ty Blackthorn, is autistic and I’ve heard from many autistic readers that it was very positive representation! I adore Ty so much, and this series is also sooooooo good.

What to Say Next by Julie Buxbaum: PLEASE READ THIS #ownvoices review // This is listed here solely because I’ve read this book; I don’t actually recommend it whatsoever for autistic rep, as there are several problematic scenes and messages!

The Boy Who Steals Houses by C.G. Drews: This is #ownvoices & the main character’s older brother is autistic!! This releases tomorrow, April 4th and I AM SO EXCITED! I haven’t found any #ownvoices reviews for this one since it’s… you know, not released yet but I trust the rep in this one! πŸ’•

On the Edge of Gone by Corinne Duyvis: #ownvoices autistic main character (who is also biracial; part-Dutch, part-Surinamese Black), plus “a prominent bisexual trans Black girl, as well as lesbian, Muslim, and Jewish characters” (from the author) AHHH this sounds absolutely amazing!!

The State of Grace by Rachel Lucas: #ownvoices review / another #ownvoices review // This is on the younger side of YA in terms of the main character’s age but I’ve heard lovely things about this one! Plus, it’s ownvoices rep! πŸ™‚

The Nowhere Girls by Amy Reed: I NEED TO READ THIS BOOK ASKLSKLSK –> ft. Grace, a fat narrator, Rosina a Latinx queer narrator, and Erin with Asperger’s (now known as autism spectrum disorder) and anxiety!! Plus FEMINISM, and discussion (+TW) about rape, sexual assault . I KNOW I WILL LOVE THIS.

This is not ownvoices for the autism rep!! I do highly recommend reading this author’s interview to know more about her inspiration behind this book. **If you know of any #ownvoices reviews for this book, please let me know!! I have not found any!!**

When My Heart Joins the Thousand by A.J. Steiger: #ownvoices review / another #ownvoices review // Not #ownvoices autism rep, but I’ve heard such good things about this one! This falls in the more upper YA end, too which is nice!

Also: The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang is also said to have #ownvoices autism rep! However, this isn’t YA; it’s an Adult contemporary romance so please don’t be misled on my account! πŸ™ˆ I know this list is covering YA books, but I had to include this as this is #ownvoices!! And I NEED to read it omg.

So I have a lot of reading to do!! SO much of my diverse reading has been occupied by books ft. POC, or LGBTQ+ rep which is great, but as an advocate for diverse books, I want to advocate for ALL diverse books, and that includes disabled characters!

I really did want to show a variety of opinions from #ownvoices readers, and I tried my best here but it was so incredibly difficult to find ownvoices reviews, so PLEASE:

If there are any ownvoices reviews you know of and want to boost, or if you’re an #ownvoices reader yourself, PLEASE don’t hesitate to send me a link to your review if you have one because I really do want to showcase ownvoices reviewers!

If there are any more books with autistic characters that any of you recommend, please let me know!! Especially books BY autistic authors!! I need more (good) neuro-diverse books on my TBR!! Also, if you’ve read any of these books, what were your thoughts?!

17 wishes I have about books, publishing and the bookish community // I’m older now??


(I mean I already was, given I was 16 but now I’m… wait for it…. SEVENTEEN. 17. What a game-changer!! It’s not like I’m a 5 year-old on the inside)

Now, I was going to make this post more light-hearted but I really want to talk more about the issues I’m passionate about, especially if we’re going to talk about birthday wishes!! ❀️ SO LET’S GO.

Birthday genies, if you’re out there……… πŸ˜‰

1. More intersectional representation in books!

I love the influx in LGBT+ books, in books with POC, disabilities, or mental illness, but I also desperately want intersectional identities represented as well! I JUST WANT ALL THE REPRESENTATION EVERYWHERE OK.

And I fully acknowledge these books might already be out there, and I haven’t been looking in the right places! But currently, I still don’t see as many as I want in mainstream YA (although there are a ton out there that I absolutely can’t wait to read!) and I WANT MORE. I will always want more.

2. More books that focus on friendships!

I love me a good romance, don’t get me wrong! I don’t have one of my own, so I LIVE through others ok πŸ˜‚ But at the same time, I want to read more books that reflect… well, me! And many other teens! We don’t all find romantic love at the smol age of 16-17-18–and not all of us want to!–and instead FRIENDSHIPS are such an important part of our lives. (Of everyone’s lives, ofc!)

Friendships just hold so much more complexity? They are the people you can tell anything to, the people who you turn to for support and encouragement and to talk to. The people whose betrayal would honestly be just as (if not more, tbh) emotionally destructive as a romantic relationship–because you trust and love them so freaking much!!

Let me just say; the amount of unconditional love and trust I hold for my friends?? YOUR FAVES COULD NEVER. πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

(And yes, I am 150% talking about my blogging friends, you know who you are and I LOVE YOU)

3. Less sexist fantasy!

I want more books where WOMEN run the world, okay. None of that “girls can’t fight or rule the kingdom” business or worlds where men can treat women horribly and get away with it because “that’s just how things are” and “boys will be boys”?

No, thank you. We have enough of that in our own world?? If you’re creating a whole new world anyway, WHY WOULD YOU NOT. Create problems with economics! Politics! But get rid of sexism, PLEASE.

4. More “casual” diverse books!

In this context, I mean books featuring diverse characters, that aren’t necessarily entirely focused on that diverse aspect? If that makes sense? Just characters, you know… LIVING THEIR LIVES. Although I love the books that focus specifically on certain issues that arise as a marginalized teen (like THUG, Love Hate & Other Filters etc) which are so so important, I also just want to see them LIVING. Going to school, dealing with friendship or romantic problems, applying to universities, family drama?? There are so many of these books ft. allocishet characters so now it’s our turn thank you!!

I also wanted to shout out Fadwa’s post that talked about how we are more than our marginalizations! Everything she said was so beautifully expressed and SPOT ON.

5. More fooood

(Can you tell I’m hungry right now??)

But seriously!! Food does so much!! It tells you about culture! About the characters! Socio-economic status! Establishes atmosphere! Setting! Might make you want to eat the book! All the good stuff!

It always kills me when characters leave their plate half empty or don’t eat (if the food is good, at least) 😩 TELL US WHAT THEY’RE EATING OK.

I have so many more items of things I want to see in books, so look out for another post sometime!! I KNOW WHAT I WANT OK (only sometimes πŸ˜‚)

6. Publishers!! Giving!! More!! Opportunities to!! Marginalized!! Authors!!/People!!

Whenever someone says that there needs to be more diverse authors… I’m like NOPE, publishers need to PUBLISH more diverse authors. Because they’re out there!! Writing!! Amazing, ownvoices/diverse books!! But they need the publishers to hear them!!

And I want to see publishers choose to put out more stories about diverse characters BY diverse authors (regardless of whether another author has written something similar)!! It’s frustrating, sometimes, to see book deals for non own-voices authors writing about a foreign culture, knowing that publishing often will then reject other (own-voices) authors writing about that culture? Does that make sense? I hate how many publishing companies has made it so that if they already have one ‘type’ of book, they might not publish any more following that type of narrative. It pits authors against each other and is just not fair!

7. Having more marginalized people working behind the scenes!

I don’t actually know much about this in terms of actual numbers and evidence, so if there ARE in fact a ton who do correct me, but I would bet there is still a very large number of publishing establishments primarily led by non-diverse people?? I’m not saying those people don’t deserve their position though, just that more diverse people deserve those same positions!!

It would help so much in so many aspects? Whether it’s editing, sensitivity reading, people working on book covers (and giving us more beautifully diverse ones πŸ‘€), EVERYTHING. Just give us equal opportunities, thanks!

(Have I overused the use of exasperated exclamation marks already??)

8. Sending ARCs to ownvoices reviewers!

I know there are so many logistics to sending ARCs to book bloggers and influencers and such, but it’s just so SAD to see some ARCs fall into people who don’t give a crap (eyes people selling them online)? I totally get how many ARCs are sent to those with high followings (or just generally people in the US,,,,,, but that’s another story) but I personally want to see publishers make more of an effort to send more ARCs of diverse books to readers who might be able to see themselves in the representation!

Ownvoices reviews are so freaking important!!!

I’m not even speaking about myself here, because I’m just a smol new blogger, but in general! Reviews from ownvoices readers are so important.

9. More opportunities for international bloggers? Pretty please?

I live in Canada, so I recognize that I’m still very privileged! I just want everyone to have so many more opportunities, when they’re not in the US; to be a part of blog tours, to get ARCs, to get EVERYTHING ok. πŸ˜…

DO check out Marie’s post about supporting international book bloggers!! Because they’re so important!! ❀ 

10. Switching cover style mid-series

I can never buy the first book in a series without reservation* because I AM TERRIFIED the cover style for the next books will change and I WILL CRY.

This happened with Flame in the Mist? I had the first one, which is beautiful, and then they redesigned the first and second before/after the release of the second book, BUT they didn’t release a cover for the second book (Smoke in the Sun) which matched the first original cover!!


*Funnily enough, I just bought myself Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan earlier today πŸ˜… I LOVED IT and I couldn’t resistttt

11. More boosting marginalized voices!

If someone of a marginalized community is speaking about something that affects their community… PLEASE don’t speak over them!! Retweet them! Link their post! Let them speak for themselves about issues that concern them, and give them more opportunities to do so!!

There are too many instances where our voices are drowned out in everyday circumstances, we deserve to be heard! ❀

12. More boosting of teen voices!

I’ve noticed the YA book blogging community is largely made of adults, which is great, but amidst that, the voices of teen bloggers can often get lost? Of course here are many teen bloggers that I know of and admire so much (like Taasia, Ilsa, May, Dezzy and so many more!), but so many popular voices in the community are adults, and in a space that should be friendly and open to teen voices, I fear that it’s kind of intimidating to speak out sometimes, that what we have to say isn’t always seen as being as important as what older bloggers do.

13. Book shaming has got to go?

LET PEOPLE READ WHAT THEY WANT TO READ THANKS. It kills me to see this happen! If you like to read classics! Good for you! If you like fan fiction? Great! If you like graphic novels! amazing!

I stan YOU AND YOUR READING PREFERENCES!! πŸ’ͺ Anyone else can fight me.

14. Ending reader-superiority syndrome

PSA: We’re not better than non-readers because we read!! (and vice versa, they’re not better than us because they don’t lmao)

As a reader, it bothers me to no end when people act like that just because they read, they’re smarter or better than people who don’t. (Younger me did this and ughhh how I wish I could change the past.) Because people have different interests!!

Will I try to convince you that reading is amazing and you should read? Yes! Will I judge you if you prefer sports or music? Heck no. Let people love what they want to loveeee.

15. Audiobook shaming?? Needs?? to?? STOP??

It’s 2019 and y’all, this should not be a thing. I know some non-blogging friends of mine who like reading but who shame on audiobooks and… well. They haven’t spoken down on audiobooks since? πŸ˜›

I totally understand if you think audiobooks aren’t your cup of tea, it doesn’t work for everyone (though, I used to say the same thing, and I do recommend giving them another shot; sometimes the narrator might not be for you, or you may have been too distracted when using them, but I digress) BUT that doesn’t give anyone the right to claim it’s “not reading” or some other bullshit like that.

Just no.

16. Less hate, more love!

I haven’t had an issue with this myself, and I’ve never heard of any issues in the blogging community specifically in WordPress (the blogging community has seriously been the LOVELIEST), but other bookish areas like Twitter or GR? THE NEGATIVITY UGH. Especially with people with larger followings (but obviously there can be nasty people everywhere); it’s just so sad, and the world has enough hate as it is!!

If you don’t like someone’s posts, videos, tweets or reviews, unfollow them! Turn away, find someone you DO like! DON’T comment or subtweet or troll them with negative or hate-filled comments, it’s just horrible. Go eat chocolate! Read a book! Take your anger out on the treadmill! Not on the lovely bloggers, book tubers, creators, readers online who are just sharing their thoughts. ❀

(And by “you” I don’t mean YOU, obviously, because you’ve all been lovely! But rather the people who are spreading negativity in the bookish communities. Just in case that needed to be clarified!)

17. More boosting backlist-titles!

This is actually one thanks to Dezzy, as she mentioned to me how there’s often a pressure to keep up with hyped titles in the bookish community! This is so true, and in all the hype, backlist titles are so easily forgotten sometimes? Which sucks because hyped, front list titles will change all the time, every year! It’s just as important to boost backlist titles, because there are so many amazing books that have released in previous years that don’t get as much love.

And what many forget is that backlist books are often way more accessible for readers who can’t buy all the new releases or whose libraries aren’t as immediately updated!

SO BOOST YOUR FAVOURITE BACKLIST TITLES!! And if you’re feeling the pressure of reading hyped books, just remember that there are still so many amazing books (that probably *were* hyped, just a year or two ago) that deserve your attention, and you should only read what you want to! ❀


I know this post was filled with so many things ahaha (I just really wanted to get to the number 17 πŸ‘€πŸ˜‚) but let me know what are some things you really want to see happen in books, blogging or publishing-wise??! MAYBE IF WE ALL WISH FOR IT, IT WILL COME TRUE???

Also, are there any other March babies out there?? πŸ‘€ When’s your birthday??! (If you made it to the end of this freakishly long post, what’s your favourite kind of cake??? 😍 I love basically all cake ngl, this year I got a Black Forest one! IT WAS DELICIOUS)